Welcome to the Divine Fertility Messages Blog

Did you know that when you speak, you bring through a lot more information than you think you are?
You’re not only speaking, saying a few words, sentences, expressing yourself, you’re also bringing through important messages.
These are messages you are meant to hear and act on.
You may think you’re speaking for the sake of speaking, but did you notice, sometimes you have life transforming aha moments that are very simple and straight forward?
Did you notice, in these moments, your body feels different, your eyes become wide opened and you realise you’ve just had an epiphany?
These moments tend to leave you speechless, blank minded, and often leave you with so many more questions, you don’t even know where to begin.
What are these messages? What do you do once you have them?
And simply … what just happened? How did you just have this aha moment? Why now?
Leaves you a bit out of breath doesn’t it?
So what are they?
These aha moments are actually complex messages, given to you, by your higher self and other divine forces at play.
You are meant to decipher, analyse, and embed these within yourself. You are meant to move forward, understanding the deeper learning lessons you’re meant to get from them. You’re meant to head towards your desired direction at a much more meaningful pace now that you had true eye opening realisations, beyond this world.
Did you know, we used to get these moments very frequently.
We used to be very congruently and intimately connected with our divine self.
We used to rely on our intuition to know what to do, what not to do. We used to trust them implicitly without asking questions or doubting anything. As time went on, societal teachings, our own past experiences and things we’ve learned from others moved us away from listening to ourselves, trusting our intuition, our inner voice.
We now feel more disconnected from ourselves than ever before. Good thing is, there is a spiritual movement in the air, that’s slowly moving us back towards the way things used to be, connected and congruent. I’ve been feeling it in the last few years and I know you started to feel it too.
And the divine is smart. It didn’t let us disconnect ourselves without leaving bread crumbs for us to follow.
Our voice, the words we choose and our voice and word patterns have these moments, hidden deep within us.
Whenever we speak, these messages come out.
You need someone who’s tuned into them, to pick them out. You can go to someone who can decipher them for you or you can do it yourself.
I am one of those people that’s gifted to pick them out for you.
I help you get back in touch with you and help you receive the messages you have locked within yourself.
I do all this, simply, by listening to what you have to say.
So how does it work and more specifically, what exactly are these hidden messages?
Your voice has specific vibrations, frequency and intonation that are unique to you. I have an auditory eye of sorts, a radar that is tuned to the geometry coding that is imbedded in your voice and the words you choose, helping me pick out various nuances in your voice patterns.
I pin point and unlock karmic lessons physically carried within you.
These come from previous lives or timelines, family bloodlines and generations, society, and more. They’ve either been passed on to you, or you’ve picked them up in this lifetime.
When you speak, I listen and decode, declutter and translate all that.
I then relay the messages to you. I do this by recording you a voice note. When I record your message, my radar and channel is on. I pick up the most important lessons your soul desperately desires in this moment. My body and voice are used as a vessel, where I, Olivia, am put to the side and your higher self, soul and the divine come through me, to you.
Simply relaying the messages to you and you simply listening to them, in a meditative state, already creates actual physical change in your chemistry, biology and DNA.
You will naturally notice your life changing around you, without much of your involvement in it.
These changes are towards a life that makes more sense. They feel complete, liberating and a lot like ‘home’.
How great does that feel!
Now … I know you got excited now that you know what they are, and I’m tempted to move on and give you tips on how to decipher them yourself but more importantly, what to do once you’ve discovered them, but that’s for the next two blogs
- ‘The hidden messages behind your voice (part 2 of 3) - how to find them’
- ‘The hidden messages behind your voice (part 3 of 3) - what to do with them’
My message (and action steps) for you:
Pay close attention whenever you have an aha moment, as it has more meaning than you think it does. Find a friend, or book a reading with me, chat about it, this will help you decipher more of it, discover why you’ve gotten it now, what it is, what to do with it. If you’re not on my email list, sign up now at www.divinefertilitymessages.com so you can get notified when the next 2 blogs are out. Putting all the parts together and knowing why this is important for you will help you understand yourself on an even deeper level.
always remember ...
You are worthy, you are loved, you are enough, always!